Envelope Maker
Copyright © 2002-2024 Timothy R. Rude
in association with Ashland Tax & Business Services, Inc.
email: sales@envmaker.com

Your download of EMsetup_full.exe should begin momentarily . . .

If your browser does not automatically begin the download, please click here.

Some browsers display warning screens when you try to download an executable program file. This is a normal security feature and does not indicate a problem.

The Envelope Maker installer and program have been thoroughly scanned to ensure that they contain no viruses, spyware, or adware.

Warning screens you may see (depending on your browser version) and instructions for proceeding with the download:

    •   Microsoft Edge Browser

    •   MS Defender SmartScreen (any browser)

Microsoft Edge Browser:

When attempting to download the file, Edge may pop up this warning:

Not Commonly Downloaded

Click on the 3 dots to show the 'More actions' menu

Click 3 dots for 'More actions'

Click 'Keep'

Click 'Keep'

Ah, but Edge probably isn't done pestering you yet.

Click the arrow beside 'Show More'

Click the arrow by 'Show more

Click 'Keep anyway'

Click 'Keep anyway'

Now the file has been downloaded and you can open it by clicking 'Open file'

Now you can click 'Open file'

MS Defender SmartScreen:

When you attempt to open the file you just downloaded (using any browser), you may get this warning.

If so, click 'More info'

Click 'More info'

Then click 'Run anyway'

Click 'Run anyway'